Teacher Student ''Surdas Jokes'' in Doha Style

Teacher Student ''Surdas Jokes'' in Doha Style

Looking for all new teacher student jokes,surdas jokes in doha style,for friends,for whatsapp,for facebook,all new series of teacher student jokes,short jokes on teacher student,naughty students jokes.


Teacher - सूरदास अंधे कैसे हुए.....?

Student - in doha style....

सूर गये तुलसी के घर, तुलसी दिहेन गरियाय,

धरि के चिमटा भोंकि दिये, सूर गये अंधराय....!

Teacher - प्रभु आपके चरण कहा हैं.... _/\_

A teacher caught a student cheating in exam

Teacher to Student-y are u cheating?dont you study for exams?

Student to Teacher- पढने से नम्बर मिले, तो मै पढूँ सौ बार…
                                  ईससे तो अच्छा नकल भली जल्द होये उद्धार…

 Funny'' Jethalal Ki Kahaani'' Jokes 
 Aaj Kuch Toofani Karte Hai 
Teacher Student ''Surdas Jokes'' in Doha Style  Teacher Student ''Surdas Jokes'' in Doha Style Reviewed by Rakesh on February 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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